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Rules and Procedures
- Participants must be 18 years or older. No pre-registration required.
- Eligible: Those who have not won three times or have not won a national spelling bee for adults (call it sustainability for newcomers to have a chance).
- We provide paper, and for those without a writing instrument, we provide pencils.
- For Round 1, place your name at the top right of the paper and on the left the numbers 1 to 20.
- Round 2 has 15 words, Round 3 has 10, and Round 4 has 5.
- You’ll have 20 seconds to spell each word after we pronounce it. After the round, we’ll repeat them.
- A schwa is an unstressed vowel, so asking for repeats may not help.
- Print clearly, no cursive. If we can’t read it, we can’t mark it.
- Don’t worry about capitals, hyphens, spaces, or diacritical marks (such as cedillas or grave accents).
- To correct a mistake, put a line through the word and write it again. Do not erase or insert letters.
- In Round 1, you’ll mark your own paper, X for incorrect. If you qualify for Round 2, we’ll recheck your paper. In all other rounds, we mark the papers of those in the running.
- We take about 20 people into Round 2, about 10 into Round 3, and about 5 into Round 4. A tie for first at the end of Round 4 results in a Sudden Death Round.
- Do not collaborate on spellings—no use of cell phones or text messaging.
- We consult several unabridged dictionaries to confirm the spelling of the words we select, including Merriam-Webster Online Unabridged and Merriam-Webster Collegiate.
- Our event is the first Saturday after Valentine’s Day each year.
- After a third win, a competitor must retire from the competition and enjoy some time serving on the committee.