This Spelling Bee...

…is a highly popular annual Atlanta event for adults, where you can sit, write, eat, and drink (rather than standing to spell in embarrassment!). It began in 1971 at Atlantas Stein Club (now gone) as its highly literate regular clientele argued about who was the best speller. Newspaper and radio folk provided publicity and enunciation as one person wrote words on paper. Over the years, the committee evolved to be former winners. In fact, three-time winners retire from the competition and serve as BeeKeepers. In 2001, when the Stein Club went the way of the wrecking bar, we moved the Bee to Manuels Tavern. There is no charge for the event, but we ask that you order food and drinks in gratitude for Manuels providing the space and some prizes to supplement the engraved pewter stein that the BeeKeepers committee provides to the winner each year. Our words always begin with the familiar and become increasingly more unfamiliar and esoteric. If you love words…

Spelling Bee Participants